Electricity Up and Running, Sigh of Relief!

Finally, my electricity is back on! When I have more time tomorrow, I will post pictures and tell the story of my Hurricane Irene experience. In the meantime, it’s time to catch up on my gazillion emails and read some news articles to reconnect myself to the world. Be on the lookout for an update on my hurricane experience  tomorrow, you are NOT going to want to miss it!
On a side note, I am open to and looking for eco-friendly products to review! Check out my contact page if you are interested.

3 thoughts on “Electricity Up and Running, Sigh of Relief!

  1. Glad to hear you have your electricity back! Isn't it crazy how dependent we are on electricity. I know every time mine goes out, I still walk into rooms and try to flip switches. LOL Thanks for stopping by the Sit and Relax weekend hop! and for posting the button. I followed you back a couple days ago. Good luck catching up with everything.

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